Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today I went to see Evangelion 1.0 with Jordan and Sam. It was basically what I was expecting: the voice acting was sub-par, the character development was overly shortened, but the animation was great and they didn't shave too much off the plot. All in all it was an enjoyable movie.

It was nice to go out on a weeknight, since I mostly contain my going-out to weekends and spend weekdays at home. It is nice to know that there are people who have time to see me on weekdays, even if it's just to see a limited-release movie.

This has gotten me back into an anime phase, I think I might start watching it again. Once I am done My So-Called Life (within the next few days), I'll start on a new anime, or maybe finish one I've already started! I need to get into a really good, engaging series that I just want to keep watching (like BSG or NGE), I feel like it might keep me sane on those days when I have absolutely nothing to do. I've also started to do more housework, including folding laundry!! What???

Somehow I can relate with Misato. I'm not sure why, but something about her complicated relationship with Kaji clicks with me. I feel like I have many complicated relationships, too.